
Andres Lozano Gallego a.k.a Loz, 2012-2024.
Copyleft: this work is free, you can copy, distribute and modify it under the terms of the Free Art License http://www.artlibre.org

"Ulyxex" is inspired by the grec name of Ulysses and the Odyssey.

Ulyxex is a web content generator for people who wants an universal interface for all devices, Ulyxex is absolutely compatible with all browsers since mosaic or netscape 1 (1994) to the latest browsers and fully compatible with text browsers (like links ou lynx).
Ulyxex is also usefull with all devices (new and olds smartphones, tablets,  and command line).

If you can access internet then you can create, read and edit your posts.

Features : 100% every navigator on any platform compatible, php7<+/mysql5<+ programming, oriented objet, html all versions.

This program follows the "retroweb 1.9" rules of webdesign wrote here https://provisoire.org/web.1.9/

My first goal

When I started writing the code my goal was to make it possible to feed a website from an old mac classic SE 30 (80's computer) because I'm a fan of retrocomputing.
So I had to be able to view, edit, manage a website with Netscape 2.02 or with a text browser.
To achieve my goal I had to simplify navigation and administration as much as possible by focusing on the common and compatible html over time, software and system platforms.

Finally I developed a very useful and easy-to-use universal website manager that I use for all my websites and internet projects.

To install this program

First transfert all files on your server.

Go to your website root through your browser, start install and follow instructions.

If the install script don't work you can edit manually the file "config-example.php"  with yours settings and rename it to "config.php" then import the file "ulyxex.sql" into your database.

After installation don't forget to delete the file "install.php" to prevent abuses.

I hope you enjoy this work and you will share your improvements.
This program is licensed under copyleft. You can use, copy, modify and redistribute it freely.

Author : Andres Lozano Gallego a.k.a loz